How to DIY Halloween costumes for your next candy run

We go way beyond two holes in a sheet...

How to DIY Halloween costumes for your next candy run

Anyone can appear in a store-bought costume on Halloween night, but nothing beats the uniqueness of clever DIY Halloween costumes. We have some simple outside-the-box ideas below to help you stand out from the crowd on your next candy run.

You don’t need to be a master crafter for these; you just need a little imagination. Read on for our DIY Halloween costumes and level up next time you hit the neighbourhood for a trick-or-treat.

Our favourite DIY Halloween costumes for kids (and how to make them)

We’ve put together a list of easy DIY Halloween costumes to suit those pressed for time and less handy with crafting duties. You don’t need to be Jim Henson for these creations; a totally unique outfit for your kid, or yourself, can be very straightforward.

Costume idea #1: The classic rag doll

Everyone can recognise the classic Raggedy Ann look, and there is nothing better than a combo costume for you and your child.

It’s super easy and only requires clothes from your own wardrobe and some yarn (red is the classic colour of Raggedy Ann’s hair, but feel free to change it up with something else).

You’ll also want some felt strips to match the colours of your yarn, scissors, thread and two simple hair combs.

Cut the yarn pieces to create any wild shape you like for the wig, tie it into pigtails with the felt strips, grab a dress and some fun mismatching accessories, and then finish with a little face paint to create a ragdoll look.

Costume idea #2: The mummy bump

This one is for pregnant women who may have difficulty finding an easy and comfortable selection of DIY Halloween costumes. All you need is a cosy white tee shirt, some toilet paper or gauze, and some drawn or printed spooky eyes. Place the eyes on your bump and wrap yourself up like a mummy, and it will look like you are hatching a hilarious baby mummy!

Costume idea #3: A cup of hot chocolate

This one is a little more involved but very unique! You’ll need the following supplies:

  • 40×60” sheet of cardboard
  • Wrapping paper (in a plain colour of your choice)
  • Poster board (the same colour as the wrapping paper)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Hot glue gun
  • Brown felt
  • Three 4” x36” foam rollers
  • A box cutter
  • Brown elastic
  • Brown Dress or shirt

Step-by-step directions

  1. Cut the foam rollers into four-inch pieces with the box cutter
  2. Cut the cardboard sheet to an appropriate size for the body of your mug (curve it around your body before cutting to ensure a comfortable fit)
  3. Spray the outside of the cardboard piece with spray adhesive, then cover it with wrapping paper
  4. Cut a handle shape out of the poster board and fold over one inch on each end to glue it to the body of the mug
  5. Hot glue the felt around the top of the mug unevenly and haphazardly so it looks like hot chocolate is spilling over the top of the mug
  6. Glue the foam as “marshmallows” on top of the felt
  7. Glue the elastic to the front and back of the mug as straps
diy halloween costume ideas
Source: Paige Cody via Unsplash

Costume idea #4: A Mario Kart family

Some easy and fun family costumes are Mario Kart cars! Pick your characters, then find some boxes, spray paint, vinyl, and ribbon. The cardboard boxes should be large enough to stand in, and you’ll also need:

  • Cardboard scissors
  • Spray paint (the colours will depend on what character you are recreating)
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Mario Kart car emblems (drawn or printed)
  • Permanent adhesive vinyl in colours that match your character
  • Ribbon
  • Painter’s tape

Step-by-step directions

  1. Measure how tall you want the base of the car to be and cut three of the four sides of your box off, leaving five inches of the base around the box and one full side of the box.
  2. Cut off the bottom of the box for your legs, then fold the front of the box back at a 45-degree angle. You can use the cardboard that you cut off for the tires.
  3. Paint your “car”, but tape off where you want the white stripes on the front to be; painting them white makes them your racing stripes!
  4. Cut out the Mario Kart symbols for your character and use hot glue to put them on the bonnet and sides of your car.
  5. Glue the tires to the side with the larger tires on the back and smaller tires on the front
  6. Create some straps to hold the car onto the wearer like suspenders.

Costume idea #5: Crayon on strike

Simple and cute, this costume takes inspiration from the book The Day The Crayons Quit. Make some crayon tip hats out of cardstock with a matching outfit in the colour you want your crayon to be. 

Add little black cuffs around the ankles and small protest signs that say “we quit” and “on strike” to the story! Be sure to write your protest messages with a box of crayons.

Costume idea #6: Cardboard flower pot

We’ll end with a very easy DIY project for those who need a last-minute Halloween costume. You’ll only need a big piece of cardboard and an X-Acto knife or scissors that can make some small cuts. This can also be great for DIY baby Halloween costumes!

Simply cut the shape of a flowerpot and paint around the edges to create the pot look, then cut the individual flowers and glue them on to create your own look.

You can even leave a few non-glued flowers that can be stuck on with blu-tack or held to change the “flowerpot arrangement” throughout the night. Maybe even give some flowers to the houses that reward you with the best candy for your efforts!

diy halloween costumes for kids
Source: Paige Cody via Unsplash

Frequently asked questions

How can I dress up for Halloween without a costume?

For those who don’t have the time or energy to come up with a costume, you can still get into the Halloween spirit with these ideas:

  1. Let a favourite character inspire your outfit
  2. Wear a festive headband
  3. Add a pop of orange to your outfit to pay homage to the pumpkin!
  4. Wear a DIY Halloween statement
  5. Rock a pumpkin t-shirt
  6. Opt for Halloween-style nail art
  7. Go for some bold lipstick or eyeliner

What are some classic Halloween costumes?

The classic Halloween costumes below may help you find the perfect traditional look for your next round of trick-or-treating:

  • Witch costumes
  • A vintage Pierrot Clown
  • Funny DIY Halloween costumes like an adult Tamagotchi
  • Pirate costumes (with a skeleton flag, of course)
  • Vampires
  • Animals
  • Devil (complete with pitchforks)
  • Zombie costumes

What is the most popular Halloween costume ever?

The most popular Halloween costume is often a witch that sees roughly 4.6 million people wearing the look each Halloween. Next on the list? Princess costumes and superheroes like Spiderman!

Look your best with these DIY Halloween costume ideas and have the spookiest night ever!

We’ve given you a bunch of fun options above to help you be creative and have fun next Halloween. Remember, you can tweak as necessary or take some of the core ideas to make new ones of your own!

If you really want to be flashy next Halloween (and possibly win some costume competition), search the very talented seamstress and costume maker Taskers we have available. They can help you go all out with a costume that will help your impress the neighbourhood and fill those bags with candy!

We know that people like to go all out with Halloween making it a contender for the best-looking event of the year. Hopefully, the ideas above help you truly get into the spirit!

30 Tips to reduce holiday stress and enjoy Christmas

From Christmas shopping to social gatherings, here are ways you can reduce stress this holiday season.

30 Tips to reduce holiday stress and enjoy Christmas

Christmas is a joyful time with family and friends coming together to celebrate. However, it can also be a stressful time trying to manage social events, coordinating with your family, and let’s not forget working full-time.

To help prevent getting burnt out this holiday season, we have a few practical suggestions you can do now to help you stress less this Christmas.

On managing Christmas expenses

1. Set a budget for everything

Set your budgets for social events, gift purchases, and Christmas feasts now. This way, you can manage your income with the expected costs this December.

2. Prepare emergency funds

Keep a bit of extra money on the side for those surprise expenses you haven’t thought of.

3. Save up for next Christmas

inserting coin in piggy bank

Perhaps too late for this year, but set up a savings account for birthdays and Christmas time after this Christmas. You can add funds to this account every payday. You’ll be able to get a headstart on your savings and have that cushioning for the expensive times of the year.

On Christmas shopping

4. Stock up on non-perishable food

Start buying the non-perishables now. By stocking up on items ahead of time, you’ll lighten the load in the coming weeks and have everything you need. You can hire someone to run to the grocery store for you and deliver your groceries to your doorstep.

5. Make a master gift list

Picking out gifts on the fly while you shop can be overwhelming. A master gift list can automate your shopping decisions. Or, at the very least, this list can be a good starting point when you’re deciding which store to visit. Compile a master gift list for all your nearest and dearest. If you can, build out this list throughout the year as gift ideas come up.

6. Do your Christmas shopping on a weekday

person walking inside mall

It’s obvious but try to do your shopping on weekdays during your lunch break rather than on weekends with everyone in the neighbourhood.

7. Shop late at night or early in the morning

At Christmas time, all the major retailers have longer opening hours so wait till late at night or first thing in the morning to get what you need. Plus, you should get a great car park as well.

8. Shop for Christmas gifts online

Avoid the crowds entirely and stay safe at home. Online shopping is popular nowadays, and you have loads of options for buying Christmas gifts online. You can often find great bargains, and many online stores gift wrap for you as well.

9. Organise a Secret Santa

Organising a Secret Santa can take the pressure off overspending and buying a gift for everyone. There are plenty of Secret Santa apps that can help you organise the gift exchange online.

10. Book a gift delivery service

For a personal touch, you can book a gift delivery service. Our platform can connect you with local Taskers who can head to the store, pick up your gift, and deliver it straight to your loved one. From festive cakes to beautiful wooden toys, you can get any gift you need.

11. Get customised gifts

Make it extra personal with gifts specially made for your loved ones. Taskers on our platform have various skills, such as illustration, graphic design, and baking. Now you can easily get a beautiful hand-drawn portrait or bespoke cupcakes for your family and friends.

12. Make sure you have enough wrapping supplies

Purchase all gifting needs such as wrapping paper and ribbons, and don’t forget the extra sticky tape. For more cost effective options, try discount stores of Officeworks.

13. Buy extra gifts

It’s good to have extra gifts on hand for those people you forget. Extra gifts like chocolates, funky condiments, and hand lotion make great stocking fillers, too! With extra gifts ready at any time, you’ll always have something to give out to your guests.

On preparing Christmas meals

14. Make a meal plan while it’s early

Plan your Christmas menu ahead of time and list down all the ingredients you need. Also, buy as many non-perishables as you can now. You can always outsource these tasks and hire someone else to plan your menu and even prepare the food.

15. Delegate

We love the idea of wanting to do it all. But sometimes, you have to delegate tasks to your party guests, even if it’s just picking up ice and drinks. Just let them know ahead of time. Chances are they wouldn’t mind helping out.

16. Write down the cooking schedule

As Christmas day draws nearer, write a detailed timeline of everything you need to do and at what time. Doing so can ensure you’ve covered all your bases, and you’ll be less frantic come Christmas day. For example, write down what time to put the turkey in the oven and baste the ham.

17. Order food before the holiday rush

croissants on trays

Avoid running to the store at the last minute, only to find empty shelves. By ordering food ahead of time, you get better chances of getting the best quality ham or that coveted pavlova from your local bakery.

On preparing the home

18. Declutter your home

Take time to dispose of things you no longer need or that don’t spark joy. Clutter can often add to feelings of overwhelm and stress. If you’ve been meaning to get rid of an old TV or stack of magazines, now’s the perfect time. Once you’ve freed up some space in your home, it’ll be easier to put up the decorations and go about your daily activities.

19. Book a house cleaner

Even if you’re not hosting the festivities this year, you’ll still be running around a lot, and clutter can pile up in your home. Fortunately, you can hire a house cleaner to come by every once in a while to tidy up your home.

house cleaner cleaning table using rag and diffuser

20. Go for minimal decorations

Festive doesn’t have to mean extravagant. So if you’re on a budget or simply don’t have the time to go all-out, minimal Christmas decorations are the way to go. After all, Christmas parties during these times may not be as big as the ones you’ve had before. Focus on the most used rooms in your home, like the living room and dining room. By scaling back with mindful decorations, you can maximise impact and elegance.

21. Prepare your outdoor area

Outdoor gatherings are a safer way to socialise nowadays. Before the festivities come into full swing, clear out your garden or set up a table on your patio. With a tidy outdoor area, you’ll be ready to host guests at any time and avoid cramming everyone indoors.

22. Polish the silver

If you’re hosting Christmas meals, get your home ready by polishing the silverware, dusting your expensive China, and ironing the tablecloths and napkins.

23. Get your Christmas tree delivered

Picking out a Christmas tree and hauling it to your home can take up an entire day. Instead, book a Christmas tree delivery service to save yourself the time and heavy lifting. Get your Christmas tree delivered to your doorstep, ready for you and your kids to decorate together. Or, if you’re too busy, you can ask a Tasker to handle everything, from Christmas tree pickup to decorations.

24. Decorate room by room

You can decorate as early as you want, so why not get the boxes out now and go room by room, so it’s not a big task? If you have extra funds, you could even consider hiring a local decorator to transform your home into a winter wonderland.

On celebrating during the pandemic

Virtual gatherings may not be as good as face-to-face interactions. But there are many ways to make virtual gatherings more fun. Here are creative ways to celebrate Christmas during the pandemic.

25. Host a virtual party

Gather your friends and family online for a virtual Christmas dinner or holiday movie marathon. Teleparty lets you synchronise Netflix streaming while on a video call or group chat. What’s more, you can unwrap gifts together over Zoom.

26. Cook together via video call

The holiday preparations can be a party in itself! Go ahead and call up your loved ones while you prepare your Christmas dishes. You can chat away while chopping the vegetables and decorating the cake.

27. Spread some holiday cheer

Thinking about other people can be a great way to step away from everyday stress. Drop off meals or send care packages to elders or sick people who may be alone during the holidays. A little act of kindness can go a long way in brightening up everyone’s Christmas.

On self-care

Last but certainly not least don’t forget about yourself! These are your holidays too, so don’t forget to sit back and take some time out for yourself.

28. Say no to invitations if you need to

While it’s tempting to make the most of social gatherings, it’s okay to step back and stay home. You wouldn’t want to stretch yourself too thin with holiday obligations.

29. Unplug from social media

woman holding a cup of coffee and reading a book

Put away your phone and carve out time to catch up on your reading or go for a walk. Slowing down and taking in the holiday atmosphere can do wonders for your mental health.

30. Keep your health in check

Your physical health affects your overall well-being. For this reason, make sure to get plenty of sleep and try to keep up with your workout routine. You can book a quick yoga session over a video call to reduce stress and boost your mood. Also, feel free to savour all the food and drinks this season, but remember—moderation is key.

By applying a tip or two from this list, your holidays can be less stressful. Plan ahead, ask for help when you need it, and take time for yourself.

How to save money on Christmas decorations

Make your home look amazing this Christmas without breaking the bank. Here are some money-saving tips, from DIY to smart shopping.

How to save money on Christmas decorations

As Christmas decorations fill department stores and Christmas carols play in every shop, Christmas season is well and truly here.

Right now you’re more money-focused than ever as Christmas day plans are made, present lists created, and party invitations start to arrive. While tis’ the season to be jolly, you can still be cash-savvy at the same time.

One of the easiest ways to save money is to cut back on the expense of Christmas decorations. Whether it’s DIY, smart shopping, or recycling, you can still make your home look amazing and it’s not as hard as you think.

1. Buy Christmas decorations early 

Ever wondered what is the most reduced stock on Boxing Day? Christmas decorations. As with most themed holiday merchandise, decorations are drastically reduced the day after Christmas.

In fact, you’ll now find decoration discounting slowly starts a few days before Christmas day. So with a bit of planning and purchasing in advance, you’ll get some serious bargains for the next year.

myer boxing day sales

2. Compare before you buy 

woman choosing Christmas decorations
Image by Any Lane via Pexels

Being prepared earlier means you won’t need to buy for convenience as the season nears, rather you can source great bargains a number of ways:

  • Look through online stores. You’ll often find the same item online, and can price match between sites to make sure you’re getting the best price for the merchandise.
  • Check discount department stores. Make sure you check out multiple stores when purchasing your decorations. For example, plain baubles are a Christmas staple, but you could be paying triple the price in a high-end department store compared to a discount department store.

Spending less on standard decorations will allow you to splash out on some show stopper decorations. What’s more, you’ll have plenty of money left for buying gifts for your loved ones.

3. Opt for DIY Christmas decorations

Creating hand made christmas ornaments and tags with modeling clay

Let your inner crafter come out this year with do-it-yourself decorations. It’s an easy and creative alternative that will entertain you and the kids. Here’s a list of DIY Christmas ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

How to get started:

  • Create a Pinterest decoration board, and pin images you like. Pinterest is your new best friend for inspiration.
  • Find many helpful DIY tutorials via blogs and YouTube.
  • Involve the whole family and have a crafting night.

The DIY decorations also double as personalised gifts to give to friends and family – saving you even more.

4. Split the decoration costs with friends 

You don’t have to bear the brunt of the decoration expenses if you live with friends. Agree on a budget and split the cost with your housemates. Or better yet, assign specific items to each person. For example, one person buys the ornaments while the other gets the Christmas tree skirt. This way, you’ll know who gets to keep what when you all no longer live together.

5. Reinvent what you already have

Christmas lights on window
Image by Alisa Anton via Unsplash

You’ll be surprised by what you can achieve by just recycling and reinventing the decoration wheel. Using decorations that are a little broken or for a different purpose is a great way to not only save money but also storage space.

All you need is a bit of glitter and some metallic paint, and you can come up with some holiday-themed decorations. Have some bottles or apothecary jars that show potential? Fill these containers with ornaments or string lights. Or create a wreath out of fallen branches from your garden.

6. Borrow or swap decorations with your friends and family 

Gather your unused decorations, and trade them with your family and friends. Chances are they’ll be happy to have “new” decorations without spending on brand-new items. A holiday swap party can make things extra fun. You can even invite your loved ones over and create DIY décor together.

7. Use non-traditional décor

handmade yarn cone Christmas trees in natural colors.

A fancy Christmas tree with all the lavish ornaments isn’t the only way to achieve that festive spirit. If you’re on a tight budget, these unique Christmas tree ideas are great alternatives to traditional Christmas trees. From book trees to ladder trees, there’s something for everyone on this list.

8. Own the minimalist style 

Less is more. With creativity and intention, minimalist decorations can create that elegant and effortless touch. Scale back on decorations and focus on specific areas in your home. You can impress your guests with a stripped-down Christmas tree with simple white lights and golden ornaments.

If you have all the Christmas decorations but could use an expert touch, you can hire a local decorator to put everything together. Beautiful Christmas decorations don’t have to cost you a fortune.

Christmas is certainly not going anywhere; It’s guaranteed to come back the same time next year and make a dent in your bank account. By being creatively practical, you can reduce the cost of decorating for the holiday season and leave you with money to spend on your loved ones instead.


Valentine’s Day Tasks on Airtasker

From flowers to chicken nugget deliveries on February 14th - we see plenty of lovely tasks posted at this time of year...

Valentine’s Day Tasks on Airtasker

It’s that time of year again when the price of roses triple (or maybe even more), teddy bears take over shop windows and delicious chocolates are the norm. But on Airtasker we see people thinking outside of the box with romantic dates set up, musicians are the hot ticket and favourite food deliveries are far superior.

Here are some other creative ideas for Valentine’s Day that you could easily get done with Airtasker:

Picnic Set Up

A picnic is nothing new, however, you can add an extra special touch by hiring an Airtasker to pick up everything and set it up for you. They won’t even have an inkling of what you have planned.

Picnic set up

I’m looking for someone to set up a picnic for me at kangaroo point on the big V day, I’ll supply everything I just need you set it up in a particular spot and mind it until we arrive. We will get there around 6:30/7pm. Need to be able to make it look pretty and presentable 🙂
Price: $60
View on Airtasker


Borrow a Puppy

If you’re a renter it probably means you can’t have a pet at home. So if you’re coupled-up with a someone who tends to squeal at the sight of one, you could borrow one for an hour or so as a special treat.

Let me borrow your pup on valentines day morning

Dear airtaskers,
I saw a post on here a couple of days ago from a guy looking to borrow a dog for his girlfriend, and I thought it was an awesome idea.
I’m looking to do the same for my partner on valentines day morning. I’m located in Rushcutters Bay, and you’d need to pick up and drop off. We’d just take it for a walk around Rushcutters and hang out with it in the grass and stuff.
Preferred breeds are:
1. French Bulldog
2. Pug
3. Kaboodle
After that, it’s pretty much free game.
*this is because we live in apartments and, therefore, can’t have our own dogs
Price: $60
View on Airtasker

Want some more original Valentine’s Day ideas? Read our quirky Valentine’s Day gift ideas.

Favourite Foods

Now, this one is a bit different, however, if your partner loves a certain type of food (think pizza, doughnuts or even baguettes) – you can get their favourite food delivered straight to their doorstep for a yummy surprise. This is great for guys and girls because let’s face it, the way to anyone’s heart is their stomach.

Buy 5 baguettes from sydney’s best bakeries

my bf gets baguettes in the mail from his mum in france. need i say more? he hasn’t found a decent baguette in sydney he claims.
for valentine’s day i want to him to have a good baguette! we’ll need to try a few though. here’s where you come in:
i want you to go to 5 different bakeries and pick up one baguette from each. they need to be ranked within the best 10 bakeries in sydney. happy to have you suggest a list beforehand. i googled the ten best and it’s pretty obvious, heres a few:
bourke street bakery
la renaissance in the rocks

please deliver fresh on valentine’s day between 1pm and 4pm to CBD location. will confirm details.
pls expense out of pocket.
Price: $40
View on Airtasker

Deliver Messina

I would like Messina delivered to west Ryde ?
Price: $49
View on Airtasker

Sing a Tune

Do you have a special couple song? Or maybe you would just like to organise the ultimate surprise by getting someone to go to their home, workplace or even show up over a bite of lunch and sing a song.
From an Al Green classic to Top Gun – there are endless options!

Musician to play Ed Sheeran songs for valentines

Guitar preferable, next Wednesday night about 6 in Quinn’s Rocks WA
Price: $100
View on Airtasker

Sing my GF the Top Gun song

I’m looking for a guy to sing the Top Gun bar song to my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day.
Price: $5
View on Airtasker


If sticking to something original is more you, no one ever said no to flowers – especially roses. They can be a tricky item to find on the day if you’ve left it last minute. An Airtasker can help you pick the flowers and also some chocolates on the way.

Deliver a dozen red roses on Valentines Day

Need a dozen red roses delivered to Yugumbir State School on Valentines Day 14th February between 9am and 3pm.
Deliver to the office.
Should be wrapped in a ribbon/paper and look nice, and be labeled with the recipients name
Price: $30
View on Airtasker

Have you got any other romantic ideas? Let us know in the comments below!

How to throw a Australia Day BBQ

Who's going to pick up the extra bags of ice or help with the cleaning up...

How to throw a Australia Day BBQ

We all know the best way to spend Australia Day is to head to the beach or a mates house and enjoy the day with a good Aussie BBQ.

So we’ve come up with a few ways for you to organise a stress-free Aussie Day BBQ that’s cooler than a slab of VBs in an esky.

Get a spot

If you’re heading to the beach or park you want to make sure you’ve got your spot all sorted early in the morning. It’s easy to post a task and get someone to mind the spot for you so that you don’t have to wait hours for your friends to arrive.

Save a space

hello: we are hosting a bbq at our place in South Melbourne Australia Day. However, we need to set up and then leave for a few hours as we have a citizenship ceremony to go too. We just basically need someone who can help us set up a bit and then just watch our space to make sure no one takes our stuff or space in the bbq area while we are gone. Approx 2 to 3 hours. 10am to 1pm.

View on Airtasker: Event Setup & Cleaning

Prep the tools

First up, make sure you have the barbecue essentials set up and ready to go so you can fire up the Webber without any problems. Be sure to clean the barbecue and refill the gas bottle. If cleaning isn’t your forte or you have no idea how to connect a gas bottle, hire an Airtasker to take care of the set-up for you.

Always apply soapy water to the connection point to check for gas leaks

Assemble my Jumbuck 2-burner BBQ

I need someone to assemble my new Jumbuck 2-burner BBQ before Australia Day. Based in Darlington just by Redfern station.

View on Airtasker: BBQ Assembler

Sizzle the snags

There’s nothing worse than a burnt sausage and while tomato sauce might mask a bit of the charcoal, it won’t mask the shame of ruining the barbecue and leaving your mates feeling hungry. When it comes to serving the food and drinks, do your guests a favour and hire someone who has manned a BBQ or two in their time and can make a mean potato salad.

BBQ assistant / helper for private party

We’re looking for 1 person to assist with service of drinks and food, cooking on BBQ and tidy up at small private Australia Day BBQ 11:30am-3:00pm in Castlecrag (around 20 adults and 20 kids).

View on Airtasker: BBQ Catering and Help

Bartender for Australia Day

Need a bartender with knowledge how to make all different cocktails and drinks for Australia Day between 12-7pm . Willing to pay $50 an hour. If you can give me a list of what alcohol and whatever mixes to buy I’ll be able to get all that sorted before the day

View on Airtasker: Bartender


PRO TIP: For an extra set of hands, hiring wait staff on Airtasker can make a world of difference.

Airtasker Zhana Y. from Sydney, had a great experience working at an Australia Day BBQ last year:

“Waitressing for Jo and her lovely family was a breeze! Everything was organised and ready for us to go. The guests were lovely, and it was so easy to ask questions. Would be more than happy to work for Jo again! Plus, she has two gorgeous kids.”

Ice ice baby

No Australia Day is complete without an esky full of ice and drinks. Hire an Airtasker to take care of the ice and drinks so that you’ve got more time to spend enjoying the day rather than driving to the servo.

Pick up 8 bags of ice and deliver it

Please deliver 8 bags of ice to 2 Bradley Street randwick

View on Airtasker: Delivery Task

Don’t drink and drive

If you’re planning on enjoying a few drinks, think smart and organise transport to and from your party for yourself or your guests. A safe Australia Day is a good Australia Day.

Winery Driver Margaret River

Hi, We would like a Driver to take us around multiple wineries in the Margaret River region on Australia Day. Must have own car to accommodate 4 passengers. pick up and drop off in Gnanarabup. 11am-5pm. Thanks, Olivia

View on Airtasker: Driving Task

Don’t sweat the clean up!

Rather than spending the night cleaning or leaving the mess for the weekend, look at hiring a helping hand on Airtasker. By the time you arrive home on Friday evening, your house will be spotless in time for the weekend and you won’t have to lift a finger.

BBQ and clean-up on Australia Day

We are hosting a BBQ at our home on Australia Day (January 26). We need help with the BBQ  cooking meat and cleaning up plates (we have a dishwasher). We have the food and BBQ.

View on Airtasker: BBQ Cleaning

All about the cricket

BBQ and cricket go hand in hand but step it up a notch and get someone else to help with the umpiring, so that all your mates can get involved.

Australia Day Cricket Umpire

Cricket umpire needed for Australia day match at local park. Game will be 60 overs in total. Genuine knowledge of the game required. 9:45am start

View on Airtasker: Cricket Umpire

Now that you’ve gotten everything ready for your big Australia day BBQ, take a look at how to plan the ultimate Australia Day party with Airtasker.

Ideas of party food for any occasion

From birthdays and christenings, to Christmas and NYE - here's ideas of party food for your next get-together.

Ideas of party food for any occasion

So you’ve put your hand up to host another party, and now you’re looking for something a little different this time around? You’ve come to the right spot as we go through some of the fantastic ideas of party food for any event.

Here are some amazing ideas of party food for any occasion:


Shake things up by having everyone over for breakfast or brunch is a great idea, especially if you have kids – just think of the savings by not having to get a babysitter!

There are all kinds of fun ideas that you can have here, such as having it in a park or your backyard. Food can range from the traditional full-breakfast with sausages, eggs and of course bacon. Or, you could theme it by having the ultimate porridge breakfast – yum!

Breakfast – require a chef

I need a chef to prepare a vegan breakfast for my friends. The task will take at least an hour max. Making beautiful instagramable food. Mainly different types of porridges.

Get a Free Quote from reviewed, rated & trusted Chefs

Breakfast BBQ Chef/Cook for Sunday 5th November

Looking for help setting-up and cooking bacon and eggs and basic food prep for a family birthday breakfast in our local park.

Where: Mount Pleasant
When: Sunday 5th November – 7am to 11am
Attendees: 35

I’ll provide ingredients and menu guidance. If you have a gas BBQ and BBQ utensils that would help but not essential. Our local park has two BBQs.

View on Airtasker: BBQ Catering & Help and Chef

Finger food

Source: Martha Stewart

Move over sausage rolls and blinis – there are so many other tasty treats that you can make for your guests. Here are a few of our faves:

  • Duck pancakes (Either get your local Korean restaurant to shred the duck for you, or you can buy prepared duck breast from the supermarket).
  • Edamame or beetroot dip instead of the hummus or French onion.
  • Deviled eggs (it’s a classic but making a come back).
  • Bacon wrapped brussel sprouts (see below).

Cater Greek Finger Food for Friday April 28

I need someone to make some greek finger food (spinach and feta triangle, ets). Looking for about 60 pieces of greek pastries, etc. to supplement other food I am making. I can pickup within 10 km of Bronte. I need the food ready by 5 pm.

View on Airtasker: BBQ Catering & Help and Chef


It’s hard to go past a sausage sandwich and a lamb chop on the barbie but if you’re having a nice summer bbq outside, get some chicken and veggies to make fresh kebabs. Or another fun idea is to set up a burger station and have all the add-ons lined up so that people can make their burgers.

Source: Pinterest

And yes it’s still ok to still put on some sausages – just grab some of the gourmet ones like pork and apple, or lamb and fetta.

View on Airtasker: BBQ Catering & Help, BBQ Assembly and Chef

Sit-down meals

Organising a dinner party for an intimate group or a Christmas dinner takes a lot more preparation than a simple BBQ, but there’s still a few tips and tricks that you can use here to make it a lot easier for yourself.

Research salads and sides that you can prepare well in advance and then knock together last minute. These could be quinoa, farro or another grain-based salad which you can make in the morning and prepare all the additional elements on the side.

For the main event, look at something that you can make in large quantities or bulk, such as a roast or slow-cooked dish. Both are perfect for winter. In the summertime, you might want to look at a whole fish which you could roast or bbq.

Have you thought about getting a personal chef to help? They can save you lots of time and effort in the kitchen and getting a little extra help from an Airtasker could be just the help you need.

Personal Chef

Provide a 3 course meal for 10 adults for a dinner party in Brisbane. Includes food, prep, cooking, serving and clean up.
25th November.

View on Airtasker: Chef

Chef for dinner party

Looking for an experienced chef (or in training) to design menu and cook at a dinner party for 12 people. We will provide market ingredients once menu is agreed.

Dinner on 2 December 2017 (ignore other dates specified).

Wait staff / dishwasher will also be required but we can post separately to include additional cost.

View on Airtasker: Chef

Afternoon tea

It seems like these days no one simply just ‘pops in’ but sometimes it’s nice (especially when it gets cooler) to have your friends over for afternoon tea or perhaps a high-tea if it’s a special occasion.

Think about making a beautiful coffee tea cake, or some old-fashioned scones with jam and cream. If there are kids in tow, make some pretty butterfly cupcakes, which if you have old enough kids they can help with too.

Event Helper for 14 Oct High Tea Session


I would like an event helper for our brand’s high tea styling workshop session for 50 ladies on 14th Oct at Marriot Hotel. Event time is 2 pm start, so please come at 11 am or so to help.

Task Includes:
1. Set Up Placecards
2. Place Gift Bags in each chair
3. Move Prizes to Table
4. Unpack Styling demo items from boxes
5. Adhoc Duties
6. Guest Sign in at Reception Table

Would prefer someone with a pleasant personality to greet guests during signing-in. Dress code: Cocktail dress etc

3 Hrs max

View on Airtasker: Event Helper

What’s old is new again

Source: Pinterest

We couldn’t do this article without paying homage to some of our all-time favourite party foods but also give them a modern twist.

Mac ‘n Cheese

Who doesn’t love a bit of mac and cheese but instead of a big bow divide it up into muffin tins, so that everyone can easily grab one!

Pizza squares

Instead of the traditional pizza, change it up with some puff pastry and make pizza squares by putting the toppings on top of the pastry. These can be served for both kids and adults.

Fairy bread

It’s the ultimate classic but you can change it up but swapping butter for Nutella or even better – fairy bread lamingtons. The kids will love it!

Fairy bread delivery

Someone please make me fairy bread on nice white soft bread with a good amount of butter and drop it to my house in Bronte.

Get a Free Quote from reviewed, rated & trusted Chefs.

Do you have any other ideas of party food? Let us know in the comments below.

Outdoor entertaining ideas

Having a BBQ, Sunday lunch or casual Friday night drinks?

Outdoor entertaining ideas

It’s the perfect time to start thinking about heading outdoors to enjoy the longer daylight hours and warmer weather. Whether you’re hosting a casual Friday night pizza night with friends or a long Sunday lunch with the family, these summer outdoor entertaining ideas are sure to inspire you.

Check out our list of outdoor entertaining ideas below:

1. Prepare your outdoor entertaining area

Put your best foot forward and start by preparing your outdoor entertaining area for guests the day before your event. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges and clean the patio. If your outdoor dining set hasn’t been used in a while, give it a hose and let it dry in the sun (we suggest hosing well before the event, so everything is dry in time!).

If you’re short on time or not sure where to start, get an Airtasker to take care of the lawn mowing, clearing up leaves or hosing down your outdoor furniture.

2. Light up your outdoor entertaining area

If you’re hosting an evening event, nothing quite makes the atmosphere as special as some pretty mood lighting. Have a fiesta with some bright, almost retro, 80s inspired coloured light bulbs, or go for a subtler look with some beautifully strung fairy lights. Lights strung across balcony railings, on tree branches, or bunched into glass jars and hung above the table are really effective.

Source: Apollo lighting

3. Have table centrepieces

Pretty up the table setting with a summery centrepiece. Make a colourful, fragrant centrepiece by pairing up florals with fruit. Bright colours and fresh, zingy smells like citrus will enhance the atmosphere of your outdoor entertaining area.

Source: Hampton Event Hire

4. Choose a theme or cuisine

No matter how big or small the get-together, it’s always nice to have a theme! If you’re having a retro party, make your next outdoor gathering a little nostalgic by serving up some traditional Aussie BBQ fare that your parents rocked about 30 years ago such as the cob loaf dip.

Go the extra step by decorating the area, setting up a photo booth, and get in the mood for a party.

5. Set up a drinks station

Set up a ‘serve yourself’ drinks station for your lunch or dinner party – buckets, a wheelbarrow, a table, your kid’s billy kart or even a small boat filled with ice are great options for serious entertainers. Not only will it look great, but you’ll take some of the effort out of hosting by getting guests to help themselves.

Source: thelittlelendingcompany

6. Keep the mozzies away

The humid, muggy weather we know and love summer for, brings with it an inevitable plague of insects. Keep your guests comfortable by fighting off the mosquitoes and midges with mozzie coils or citronella oil. If you want to be really clever about your lighting, centrepieces and insect repellent, you could make your own citronella candle table piece.

Source: The DIY Network


7. Play some tunes

Set the ambience by putting on some background music. It will help carry the conversation and create a good mood (and fill the gaps if awkward silences occur). Acoustic guitar covers work well for a relaxed evening under the stars, a hired jukebox will crank up the party for a significant birthday, and a live band will take your engagement party to the next level.

8. Cook up a storm on the BBQ

Speaking of BBQs… what is outdoor entertaining without a BBQ? Any type of BBQ will do the job; so long as it’s got a flat plate and a grill plate, you can do almost anything on it! Think summery, spicy, skewers, gourmet sausages, minute steaks, whole baked fish and chicken wings. Or if the weather calls for it, do a roast (beer can chicken is a favourite) and serve it up with a sensational salad and some BBQ sweet chilli corn.

We hope you enjoy these summer outdoor entertaining ideas. Let us know if you have any more!

How to: Prepare for Special Events with Airtasker

There’s always an event coming up in your calendar and if it so happens to be a glitzy and glamorous "How to: Prepare for Special Events with Airtasker"

How to: Prepare for Special Events with Airtasker

There’s always an event coming up in your calendar and if it so happens to be a glitzy and glamorous occasion, there are lots of things that you need to organise such as; hair, makeup and transport, just name a few!

The Sydney Mardi Gras is most definitely one of these glitz and glamour times where everything needs to look fabulous. With makeup to be done and glitter galore, many attendees have posted a task on Airtasker to get a bit of extra help getting organised.

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 3.10.28 pm

Meet Shaun…

Shaun jumped onto Airtasker to find a makeup artist for a bit of sparkle ahead of marching with the Qantas float. His task attracted the attention of Michelle and Bianca who were able to give Shaun and Anthony a glittery makeover.

We were looking for someone to do our makeup for Mardi Gras-nothing too excessive, just a bit of fun and colour- so we decided to try Airtasker. Using the platform for the first time was an easy process and we were able to arrange for Michelle and Bianca to do the job quite quickly. From booking to payment, the whole experience was very positive.

Both ladies were easy to deal with and went above and beyond for us. Anthony and I were very happy with our Mardi Gras makeup and enjoyed sharing a few champagnes with them too. I would definitely use Airtasker again and recommend it to others.

IMG_0348 IMG_0347




Like Shaun and Anthony, many Australians can use Airtasker to find some extra help for their next special event:

1. Makeup

It’s easy for you to get some help if you, like most of us, can put eyeliner perfectly on one eye but the other never looks quite the same. Whether it’s a birthday party or something a little more extravagant for Halloween, there are plenty of skilled artists on Airtasker who are happy to make you look amazing!

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2. Hair

Who has time to spend 1-2 hrs at the hair salon these days? If you’re busy running errands, wrangling kids or just prefer to be in the comfort of your own home, a professional hairdresser can be found in just a few minutes on Airtasker. For a solo hairdo to a group beauty session, a qualified hairdresser can work wonders on your locks, without the swanky price tag.

3. Costumes

Hands up if you leave organising a fancy dress party to the last minute? We’ve all made a frantic call to all of the local costume shops desparately trying to find something. On Airtasker, you can get almost anything made – even a Barbie costume!

And if traditional costumes aren’t what you’re looking for, members have found body painting artists on Airtasker to create unusual eye-catching costumes.

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4. Photography

Now you have everything sorted in the looks department, what about capturing it all? Selfies are fun but getting great photos throughout the event can be a little harder. Make it a night to remember with the help of a photographer via Airtasker.

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5. Transport

If you’re planning to have a few drinks or would just like to arrive in style, hire a private driver through Airtasker for the night and live like a celeb for a few hours.

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How to get in the good books this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is here again and while love is in the air for some, February 14 is a day others "How to get in the good books this Valentine’s Day"

How to get in the good books this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is here again and while love is in the air for some, February 14 is a day others fear, especially the pressure that comes with planning something special. If romantic gestures aren’t quite your forte, or if you’re just after an extra set of hands to plan a memorable date, Airtasker is the best way to take care of Valentine’s Day this year.

From getting some flowers delivered or preparing the perfect romantic dinner, to organising a night in or planning a special surprise, a little help never goes astray.

Here are a few easy tips and tricks to help you get in the good books and impress that special someone this Valentine’s Day.

Take the night off
Treat your Valentine to the ultimate romantic night and go that extra mile to make it a memorable experience that would impress Cupid himself. Particularly great for tired mums or those struggling to find baby sitters, a night in can be more special than venturing out.

Cut out all the hard work and skills required to prepare dinner for someone and make your Valentine feel like one in a million. Hire an Airtasker to wait on your every need and be your very own personal butler personal butler!

Butler for valentines evening

Cook up a storm
Restaurants are great, but if you don’t plan ahead, securing a booking on Valentine’s Day might be out of the question. Save yourself the hassle of ringing around and opt for a private dining experience in the comfort of your own home with a personal chef.

If you have the ideas for the perfect dish but don’t have the culinary skills needed to back it up, get a master chef earn you a few extra brownie points to cook for you.

Personal Chef Valentines Day

Romantic cooking and dinner serving

Surprise them with a gift

Delivering gifts to a special someone is a small gesture that goes a long way. Surprise your Valentine with a heartfelt gift this Tuesday. This one will score you bonus points, especially if your Valentine gets to open their gift in front of their colleagues and create a bit of office envy.

Deliver Valentines Gift to partners work at night

Play some smooth tunes

We all know the perfect date isn’t complete without the right music. Give your Valentine an intimate experience they will love. Set a romantic mood and serenade your date without needing to have a musical bone in your body. Hire an Airtasker to come to your house or nearby date spot to play some romantic music that will keep you in the good books for a long time coming.

Musician for valentines day dinner

Win them over with cuddles
Sure, your date probably thinks you’re great, but chances are they’ll have an extra soft spot for small furry animals. Play the cute card and hire a puppy or kitten for some valuable cuddle time. It’s a fun way to put a smile on your date’s face and it might even score you some cuddles of your own.


cat copy

For more creative ways to show your love this Valentine’s Day check out these ideas.

Throw a true blue Aussie BBQ with Airtasker

We all know there’s no better way to spend Australia Day than enjoying a cold beer and a snag with "Throw a true blue Aussie BBQ with Airtasker"

Throw a true blue Aussie BBQ with Airtasker

We all know there’s no better way to spend Australia Day than enjoying a cold beer and a snag with your mates while counting down the hits on Triple J’s Hottest 100.

At Airtasker, we’ve come up with a few ways to organise a stress-free Aussie Day BBQ that’s cooler than a slab of VBs in an esky.

Here are some ways to organise a stree-free Aussie Day BBQ


Prep the tools

First up, make sure you have the barbecue essentials set up and ready to go so you can fire up the Webber without any problems. Be sure to clean the barbecue and refill the gas bottle. If cleaning isn’t your forte or you have no idea how to connect a gas bottle, hire an Airtasker to take care of the set-up for you.

PRO TIP: Always apply soapy water to the connection point to check for gas leaks


Sizzle the snags

There’s nothing worse than a burnt sausage and while tomato sauce might mask a bit of the charcoal, it won’t mask the shame of ruining the barbecue and leaving your mates feeling hungry. When it comes to serving the food and drinks, do your guests a favour and hire someone who has manned a BBQ or two in their time and can make a mean potato salad.



PRO TIP: For an extra set of hands, hiring wait staff on Airtasker can make a world of difference.

Airtasker Zhana Y. from Sydney, had a great experience working at an Australia Day BBQ last year:

Waitressing for Jo and her lovely family was a breeze! Everything was organised and ready for us to go. The guests were lovely, and it was so easy to ask questions. Would be more than happy to work for Jo again! Plus, she has two gorgeous kids.

Ice ice baby

No Australia Day is complete without an esky full of ice and drinks. Hire an Airtasker to take care of the ice and drinks so that you’ve got more time to spend enjoying the day rather than driving to the servo.

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Don’t drink and drive

If you’re planning on enjoying a few drinks, think smart and organise transport to and from your party for yourself or your guests. A safe Australia Day is a good Australia Day.


Don’t sweat the clean up!

This year, Australia Day falls on a Thursday. For most of us, this means a rough Friday at work and the headache of cleaning up after the fun. Rather than spending the night cleaning or leaving the mess for the weekend, look at hiring a helping hand on Airtasker. By the time you arrive home on Friday evening, your house will be spotless in time for the weekend and you won’t have to lift a finger.

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Now that you’ve gotten everything ready for your big Australia day BBQ, take a look at how to plan the ultimate Australia Day party with Airtasker.

Personalise your big day with unique wedding ideas

Personalising your wedding is not just about stamping your name everywhere or ‘doing it yourself’. It’s about sentiment and celebrating "Personalise your big day with unique wedding ideas"

Personalise your big day with unique wedding ideas

Personalising your wedding is not just about stamping your name everywhere or ‘doing it yourself’. It’s about sentiment and celebrating yourselves as a couple in the most ‘you’ way there is. Some inspiration for unique wedding ideas never goes astray.

Personalised vows

If you’re not feeling the stock standard “to have and to hold, from this day forward…”, why not personalise your wedding vows? What could be more personal than writing, saying, signing or even singing your vows straight from your heart?  You can still pay your respects to tradition, embrace your religion, and have a little fun at the same time. Is the trick to cheering your loved one up to always have a robust supply of cheese in the house? Promise to do so! Would it mean the world to your significant other to learn how to speak their native tongue? If so, why not learn and surprise them by saying your vows in their language?

unique wedding vows
Image credit: Megan Clouse via BRIDES 

Wear your mum’s wedding dress

If you’re a bride who’d like to wear something very special, you could wear your mother or grandmother’s wedding dress if it’s still around. Most of our older generations were married 20+ years ago now, so keepsake wedding dresses are sure to be unique. Vintage, lacey, flowing frocks can be worn as they were or modified by a skilled tailor to create a truly bespoke look.

Alternatives to the traditional wedding cake

Is cake not really your thing? Take some creative license with your ‘cake’ and instead of the traditional fruit cake or mud choices, why not have a ‘cheese cake’? Literally… a cake made of cheese wheels, stacked upon each other. What about a donut wall? They’re fun and decorative! Or no cake at all… maybe just some nice dessert, or a night cap? Whatever suits you and your partner’s taste.

unique wedding donut wall
Source: Revista Bacanal

Get a friend to marry you

Some couples are lucky enough to know a close family friend, a friend of a friend, or religious figure who is legally able to marry them. But some are not. Being married by a complete stranger can feel a little uncomfortable for some people. If there is a special person in your life who you’d love to be involved in your big day in a very special way, you could look into getting them certified to become a marriage celebrant. It is a little bit expensive though, so it’s not for everyone… but it is a nice thought.

unqiue wedding ideas
Image credit: Tyler Jones via BRIDES

Playlist by request

Let your guests personalise your wedding too by letting them pick the playlist. Many online wedding websites and apps have the functionality built in for your guest to contribute to the big day by uploading song requests and photos. Imagine the fun you’ll have dancing away to the Eagle Rock, a classic chosen my your great Aunt Betty…

unique wedding playlist
Image credit: Alice Q Style via Intimate Weddings

Unique wedding florals

When it comes to something to hold onto, or have in your hair, or dress the tables with, there are so many more choices than your traditional floral bouquets and table centrepieces. Some left-field trends to try include baby’s breath, bunches of herbs (rosemary and lavender are beautiful choices), succulents, cotton or even fruit!

unique wedding bouquets
Source: My Wedding

If you need help with planning or hosting your unique wedding, you’ll find some expert wedding professionals on Airtasker.

What you need to pack for a picnic in the park

Planning a picnic? There’s a tonne of fun to be had, but it won’t be much fun if you forget "What you need to pack for a picnic in the park"

Planning a picnic? There’s a tonne of fun to be had, but it won’t be much fun if you forget something.  Here’s a great checklist of what you need to pack.

picnic basket
Source: Pinterest

Picnic blanket

Unless your park has a spare recreational table and bench chair when you arrive, you might be sitting on the grass with the ants biting your bottom if you forget your picnic blanket. A waterproof one that can be rolled up and strapped to a basket or slung over an arm makes life easy.

picnic blanket
Source: World Market

Picnic basket

Having a dedicated picnic basket or backpack is a great grab and go option for picnics (and camping!). The essential items to fill it with should include plates, cups, cutlery, a tea towel, small cutting board, napkins, salt and pepper, and possibly a cheeky wine glass. If you get one big enough to pack a few sandwiches and a chilled beverage into, you’re set.

picnic basket
Source: Pinterest

Cushions or chairs

If you’d rather be up off the ground, or just want some extra added comfort, grab some cushions to scatter over your picnic blanket, or bring some trusty camping chairs.

picnic cushions
Source: west elm

Something to eat on

If you’re hosting a bit of a soiree, perhaps for a birthday party or large family gathering, you may need some extra space to prepare and serve food on. BYO a picnic or camping table if you have one, or get creative and grab a couple of wooden pallets to stack up and make yourself a DIY picnic table. Cover with a cute table cloth and Bob’s your uncle.

picnic pallet table


What is a picnic without a glorious selection of sandwiches, cheeses, dips, salads and sweets? Choose a spread you’ll enjoy, but take into consideration how you will store it, how long it will keep, how you’ll serve it and how much clean-up will be required. Baguettes are a great, easy option.  It goes without saying, but if you want to bring items that you’re required to keep cold, like meat for a BBQ, always pack them in an esky with ice.

We’ve also got some refreshing picnic food ideas for you to try.

picnic baguettes
Image credit: Sharyn Cairns via gourmet traveller


Wash down your lunch with a nice, cool drink. For the warmer weather, why not make your own lemonade from scratch, or homemade iced tea? Pop it into a cool thermos or drink dispenser and pack it in the picnic basket or esky.

picnic drinks dispenser

Fun and games

Once you’ve got the essentials packed, it’s time for the fun and games! Grab the footy, pack a Frisbee or bring some board games. Little ones love outdoor activities like kite flying, and bigger kids will enjoy games like giant Jenga. And don’t forget music! If you’re picnicking with a group of friends, a few cool tunes will turn your picnic into a party. Hit your talented muso friend up to bring his guitar, or go old school with a radio. You can get mini speakers that plug straight into your phone, and some pimped our picnic baskets even have Bluetooth speakers built in!

Anything else you may have forgotten…

Depending on the facilities available at your chosen venue, you may need to bring a few more items to make your day a success (easy to forget if you’re too busy food prepping to be thinking ahead):

  • A portable BBQ and gas bottle
  • Rubbish bags and a bin
  • Toilet paper (for *ahem* bush toilets)
  • Lanterns for lighting if your picnic will continue into the evening
  • An umbrella or little beach tent for shade (regardless, you should always be sun smart when outdoors!)
  • Towels for a swim
  • Decorations if you are hosting a party, and
  • Plenty of other things you can find on Pinterest that you probably don’t really need, but would make your picnic amazing!

With all of this inspiration, it would not be difficult to get completely carried away with planning the pinnacle of picnics! Let us know if you enjoyed these ideas or have any other essential picnic items to pack.

Refreshing picnic food ideas

The sky is blue, the grass is green and the sun is bright and shining; now is the perfect time "Refreshing picnic food ideas"

The sky is blue, the grass is green and the sun is bright and shining; now is the perfect time of year for a picnic in the park. Allow us to help you plan your weekends with these refreshing picnic food ideas.

picnic food watermelon feta salad
Source: Watch What? U Eat

Picnic food cheese platter ideas

Start your lazy Sunday morning picnic with a cheese platter accompanied by colourful fruits, both fresh and dried. Blue cheese and fresh fig are a match made in heaven. Dried apricots, nuts and fresh grapes go well with cheddars, gouda and brie. There are many combinations you could make; for some great ‘cheesepiration’ for picnics, check out iowa girls eats.

picnic food cheese platter
Source: iowa girl eats

Refreshing dips and salsas

Make the most of seasonal ingredients by featuring them in a fresh dip or zesty salsa combination. Cucumber is a popular ingredient, and makes for great use in Tzatziki. Serve as a dip in the traditional way with vegetable sticks, or pipe it into little hollowed out cucumber discs so your picnic guests can just pick little bite-sized pieces up. If you’d prefer to use it as a side to sprinkle on barbequed meat, we suggest trying this incredible pineapple and cucumber salsa recipe.

picnic food pineapple cucumber salsa
Source: Destination Delish

Fresh fruit skewers

Summer fruits are coming in to season and even the kids will love these fresh and fun fruit skewers. Prepare them ahead of time on bamboo skewers, pack them in a long container and keep them cool in the esky until serving. They make the perfect, nutritious snack and add a pop of colour to your picnic!

Tip: Some fruits like apples tend to go a bit brown when cut and exposed to air. There are many claims on how to prevent browning such as lemon juice or citric acid, but if you want them to stay crisp and have the best taste, leave cutting them until last minute.

picnic food fruit skewers
Source: Chocolate Covered Katie

Mason jar salads

You know how mason jars were a thing… well they still are! Packing a refreshing salad into a mason jar trumps a soggy sandwich any day! Perfect for your picnic in the park (or at the beach, or even a festival), they’re easy to prepare, portable, keep well in an esky or cooler bag, and you can just pop the lid back on and wash them up when you get home. Why not try a beautiful watermelon and feta salad, or this shrimp (yes, prawn) and feta salad for your next picnic?

Tip: If you don’t want to be a ‘mason jar hipster’ but you love this idea, just use a normal glass or plastic drink cup – we won’t judge.

picnic food prawn shrimp feta cobb salad
Source: Savouring the Thyme

Rice paper rolls

Spice it up and pack some fresh, tasty rice paper rolls. Poached chicken shredded up with some cucumber, carrot, chilli, coriander, mint and basil will make for a flavoursome and nutritious picnic lunch. Keep them cool in an esky until you’re ready to serve with a peanut satay or hoisin sauce. No need for cutlery!

picnic food rice paper rolls
Source:  sally’s baking addiction

Sweet rice paper rolls

If you’re feeling adventurous, try a sweet version of the rice paper roll for dessert. Instead of using savoury ingredients, use fresh fruit and shaved coconut, and serve them with a sweet yoghurt dipping sauce.

picnic food sweet fruit rice paper rolls
Source: A Million Miles

Mocktail (or cocktail) hour

Bring back summer vibes with a cooler or bottle filled with fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, citrus, mint, juice and soda of your choice (the adult version could do with a splash of Cointreau and Bacardi). Bring a ladle to scoop the fruit, and a small container of ice for serving. As the ice melts, it will water down your ‘party punch’, so just keep it on the side and let people pop a few cubes in their cup as they go.

Tip: If you’re picnicking in a public park or location, it’s a good idea to check the rules on alcohol consumption before you go with the adult version.

picnic food strawberry lemonade drink
Source: little miss party

There are so many refreshing, fun picnic food ideas out there to try. Our hottest tip is to make sure you pack picnic food that will keep well in an esky or basket, and is easy to clean up. Let us know what you think of these picnic food ideas!

How to plan an outdoor wedding

If you’ve been on Pinterest lately for some wedding inspo, you’ll see that one of biggest trends for weddings right "How to plan an outdoor wedding"

How to plan an outdoor wedding
floral wedding arbour
Image source: Modern Wedding

If you’ve been on Pinterest lately for some wedding inspo, you’ll see that one of biggest trends for weddings right now are beautiful floral arches. It’s a stunning and perfect backdrop for the I Do’s, which has caused an increase in outdoor weddings recently. We also have amazing weather and panoramic costal vistas for a very picturesque setting for a wedding ceremony. However, compared to an indoor wedding there’s a lot more organising to do when taking your wedding outside such as furniture and food preparation. Luckily we’ve thought of everything you need to consider to help you plan your dream outdoor wedding.

Here are some tips on how to plan your dream outdoor wedding:

1. Wedding Location

You need to think about whether you’re going to have both the ceremony and reception outside or perhaps just the ceremony. If you’re thinking about the entire day there will be limited venues (especially in the major city areas) and so you might want to widen your search to surrounding areas, for example; the Hunter Valley, Barossa, Yarra Valley or better yet your own backyard.

If you’re looking at your local park for a ceremony, you’ll probably need a council permit and depending on the space they can be very limited in availability.

When you’re considering a location think about parking, accessibility for older/ handicapped guests and how suppliers would bump in and out everything you need.

Image source: Events By Jennifer

2. Budget

Unless you’re having your wedding at your place or a friends, an outdoor wedding can be costly as everything needs to be brought in for it. Chairs, tables, cutlery, decorations, flowers, toilets, lighting and kitchens to heat/ cool food will all need to be thought of. Not to mention the more remote you are, the higher the costs will be too.

If you have your heart set on it, look at putting a wedding budget together as soon as possible so there aren’t any surprises closer to the wedding day.

3. Get help

As much as we would like to set up our own perfect wedding day, it’s important to be realistic and also enjoy this special time. So if hiring an end-to-end planner is out of your budget consider an event planner to be your go-to on the day. They will ensure everything runs smoothly – after all it’s their job.

paper cranes productions

4. Theme

The best thing with having your big day outside is that a water, vineyard or mountain view is a fantastic way to compliment your theme. For example, a beach wedding set on the sand or cliff, a rustic wedding on a farm, or a wine-lovers favourite – amongst the vineyards.

Matching your view and theme helps with other elements such as that flower arbour mentioned earlier. It also allows you to get your DIY on for all of the remaining decorations and stationary. Having a magical view can also save on costs too.

Here are some of the wedding elements to think about:

• Aisle: Will you scatter petals all over the ground, line the pathway with buckets of flowers/ candles or just the simplicity of the sand on the beach
• Signing table: Somewhere to sit and sign all the legal papers. Many couples opt to have a signing table and a couple of chairs.
• Chairs: Benches or individual folding chairs are the best options for an outdoor wedding as they can be easily moved and set up quickly.
• Flowers: If you’re having a garden wedding, it makes sense to go with flowers in season as they will be a natural backdrop. Alternatively another big trend at the moment is tropical plants and greenery, especially for a seaside wedding.

5. Post ceremony drinks

After being announced for the first time as husband and wife, everyone will wish you congratulations so having a bar set up for champagne and nibbles is a lovely informal way to get the party started.

You can hire companies specifically to set up a bar if you have everything else covered, or your event planners will be able to organise this for you.

6. Outdoor reception

We’ve all seen beautiful fairy light night sky reception images – they are amazing! But if you’re going to have the whole event outside, you’ll need to figure out if anything is supplied already such as access to power.

For your outdoor reception, you’ll need to make a big list of everything you need and make sure you get a few different quotes, so that you can compare and get the best deal for you.

outdoor reception
Image source: United with Love

7. Extra special touches

The options are endless here and everyone is looking for that little something extra to make their big day the most memorable. From wedding favours and photo booths to confetti bars and lawn games, it can add up fast. So as the saying goes, less is more and perhaps just pick a few things and do them well.

Lawn games are an outdoor wedding favourite. You could choose giant chess, jenga or stick to the more traditional croquet and ring toss. It’s a great way to keep guests entertained while you’re off having photos taken.

8. The little things

Your nearest and dearest could possibly be outside for a lengthy amount of time. So depending on the time of year you might want to think about picking an are with some shade, having umbrellas, blankets and fans on standby. If it’s a really hot day, sunscreen and plenty of water are must-haves.

outdoor wedding ideas
Image source: Chic Vintage Weddings

9. Have a plan B

Weather is unpredictable and you might not know what the weather will be like till the week of your wedding, so having a plan b is critical. Just remember, rain on your wedding day is supposed to bring you luck and clouds make for better photos anyway.

10. Have fun

Seriously, who cares if there’s a little drizzle, you’re getting married to your best friend and are going to a party to end all parties. Don’t sweat the small things and it will all turn out perfectly.

Have you got any other wedding tips? Let us know in the comments below

How to plan a DIY Wedding – from photography to favours

Weddings should be fun, not financially crippling.  Having a DIY wedding is a great way to save money and still "How to plan a DIY Wedding – from photography to favours"

Weddings should be fun, not financially crippling.  Having a DIY wedding is a great way to save money and still have a wonderful wedding. Here are some ideas on how to have a DIY wedding.

DIY wedding sugar cookies
Source:  Brit + Co

Planning your DIY wedding

One of the easiest ways to save cash on your wedding is to do as much planning as you can yourself!  If you have the time and love to make lists and be organised, planning your wedding and honeymoon will be a piece of cake. Search for and book your own venue, choose your own theme, do your own budget, etc. Use an online planner that you can take everywhere with you on your phone, or DIY your own wedding planner book. There are some great, free planner ‘how to’ guides and checklists online too.

DIY wedding planner
Source: gloriajoy

DIY wedding invites

Get your DIY mission started by making your own ‘save the dates’ and wedding invitations. Gone are the days of the standard antique letter press look; think outside of the box and make something unique! Why not make your own little wooden fridge magnets, send a homemade cupcake, or use the end of a radicchio dipped in paint to create a rosette stamp?

DIY wedding radicchio invites
Get the tutorial from Martha Stewart
Source: Elegant Wedding Invites

Wedding website/app

Many modern couples to be are opting to issue their wedding invitations with a wedding website or wedding app. You can definitely fit more detail in a digital invitation, and there are plenty of free sites and apps that let you customise your own. You can put everything on there from event details, to RSVP forms and song requests. Check out a purpose built site and app provider such as my wedding, or create your own from scratch using wix or squarespace.

DIY wedding website
Source: style me pretty

DIY flower crowns

Gorgeous, romantic crowns of florals are so much cheaper if you DIY. You can hire a florist for your bridal shower to teach you how to make them, or you could easily look up some instructional videos on YouTube and go from there. All you need is flowers (fresh, dried, silk or greenery), florist wire, florist tape and scissors.

DIY wedding flower crown
Source: Flower Girl Los Angeles

DIY wedding centrepieces

You can get so creative by doing your own centrepieces for the bridal and guest tables at the reception venue. Think about the theme of your wedding, the style and location of the venue, and what materials will go well with it. You could make the centrepiece below using a glass jar (start collecting now), spray glue and rose gold glitter.

DIY wedding glitter glass jar centerpiece
Source: The Wedding of My Dreams

If you’re looking for more centrepiece and decoration inspiration, we have plenty of DIY wedding decoration ideas for every theme.

DIY wedding cakes

Everyone knows that as soon as you say the word ‘wedding’, everything triples in price! Keep your wedding budget under control by either making your own cake, or finding a talented friend or relative who can make one for you.

DIY wedding photography

Photography is so easy to DIY!

  • Get guests to take the photos by placing disposable cameras on tables
  • Set up a photo booth with some props and an Instagram hashtag for your guests to tag themselves in
  • Get a friend with some exceptional photography skills to take the ceremony, reception and bridal party photographs, or
  • Get an Airtasker event photographer to capture some memories for you.

DIY wedding photography disposable camera
Image credit: Grant Watkins Photography via The Knot

DIY wedding favours

Sugared almonds? No thanks. Have fun by making your own wedding favours for guests. Get creative; you could make something edible, something that will grow, or something they can enjoy at the wedding (e.g. mini cocktails or a beer cooler). If you have little ones in attendance, keep them occupied by making some DIY colouring book favours.

DIY wedding favours
Source: evermine OCCASSIONS

Airtasker have a great group of event and wedding professionals ready to help you out on your big day.  Happy DIY!

DIY wedding decorations for every theme

Say I do to these DIY decorations!

DIY wedding decorations for every theme

Planning a wedding on a budget? DIY decor is the key to keeping expenses at a minimum! Plus, making your own decorations is a delightful excuse to plan a crafternoon with your wedding squad.

Here are 20 chic and cheerful DIY wedding ideas you can customise for your wedding theme:

Planning to say “I do” against a backdrop of lush greenery and a clear blue sky? These ideas are perfect for an outdoor wedding!

Leaf Confetti

Heart shaped leaf confetti | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Turn green waste into a gorgeous, eco-friendly confetti alternative! Image by Deluded Designs

Throwing confetti is a gorgeous wedding tradition but can make quite a mess, which is why many venues have now banned the practice. If you love the idea of a confetti toss but don’t want to contend with a grumpy venue manager (or your guests running around to pick up tiny bits of pastel paper!), this eco-friendly, biodegradable alternative is the perfect way to get around the annoying post-ceremony clean up. A couple of days before tying the knot, scour your garden or a local park for fallen leaves in an array of colours. Then purchase a heart shaped punch from your local craft store and get punching, it’s as simple as that! Once you have an ample stash of leaf confetti, pour into small paper bags or drawstring pouches to distribute among guests.

Blanket Basket

Cosy blanket basket | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
No jacket? No worries! Party long into the night with a basket of blankets. Image by Tommy Reynolds for Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

The temperature can change in an instant so ensure your guests remain comfortable and cosy long after the sun goes down with this easy outdoor wedding hack. Source a large basket from your local op shop or favourite craft store then fill to the brim with blankets. You’ll find an array of snuggly, cost-effective options at IKEA and Kmart, or visit your local markets or second hand store for nanna chic crotchet all the way! Mix and match colours and prints for a whimsical vintage vibe or coordinate your colour palette for a more subdued approach.

Glow Jar

Fairy light glow jars | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Light up the night with a DIY Glow Jar. Image by Sarah Connor

Candles add instant ambiance to any event but they’re hard to keep alight when the wind picks up at an outdoor soiree. Prevent the night time breeze from plunging your al fresco affair into darkness with a DIY glow jar. All you’ll need to complete this project is a collection of glass jars (bulk buy empty jars or ask your friends, rellies and colleagues to save them from cooking in the lead up to your wedding) and strings of battery powered micro-LEDs. Place the string lights inside the jars then tape the battery pack onto the lid. This hides it from view and makes it easy to unscrew the lids to turn the lights on when you need to! Position on tables, along paths or add string and hang from trees for a magical glow.

Outdoor Games

Outdoor games | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Tic Tac Toe-tally awesome! Image by I Heart Weddings

Outdoor games are a great icebreaker activity to help your guests get to know each other. Encourage friendly competition and create a catalyst for conversations with activities ranging from jumbo Jenga to beanbag toss or lawn dominos. Hey Let’s Make Stuff has scoured the internet to find the best outdoor game DIY tutorials on the net so visit for inspiration and step by step guides.

Jumbo Crepe Paper Flowers

Paper flowers | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Faux flowers are a great way to minimise your wedding budget! Image by Offbeat Bride

Save a fortune on a wedding florist by decorating your ceremony and reception with supersized crepe paper flowers. Stock up on crepe paper, hot glue, floral tape and paper wrapped stem wire at your favourite craft supplies store then follow this detailed guide by Offbeat Bride to build beautiful big blooms. While the results are stunning, this DIY can be quite time-consuming, so you may want to make regular crafternoons with your most enthusiastic friends part of the plan in the lead up to your wedding!

Holding your wedding in a warehouse space, hall or barn? These ideas will create a relaxed and romantic vibe with earthy tones, natural materials, foliage and vintage décor.

Hanging Greenery

Hanging foliage backdrop | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Create a rustic backdrop that costs next to nothing with foliage, string and a branch. Image by BLDG 25

From an industrial warehouse to an inner-city backyard, it’s possible to get back to nature in the middle of a concrete jungle with a simple yet stunning ceremony backdrop made with greenery and florals. Start with a large branch – keep your eye out for a good one during your local green waste collection or get a Tasker to deliver one after a garden prune – then attach long strands of foliage with twine to create a focal point for your I Dos. Visit BLDG25 for detailed instructions.

Eucalyptus Table Runner

Eucalyptus table runner | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Leaf the flowers alone in favour of a Eucalyptus runner. Image by Nanette Wong

Fresh flowers are fabulous but they can also cost a mint! If you’re looking for a way to decorate your tables without breaking the bank, we think you’ll go (gum)nuts for eucalyptus table runners. A fragrant and frugal alternative to live blooms, this lush centrepiece idea is a cinch to assemble and can be done on the cheap, particularly if you have access to a gumtree in your backyard! Just bunch together handfuls of leaves along the table and secure with cable ties. You can then add flowers, metallic accents or trim to decorate in whatever style you like.

Wooden Signs

Wedding signs | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Sign-ed, sealed, delivered, this DIY is all yours! Image by Color Me Rad

Nothing says ‘rustic wedding’ quite like a handmade wooden sign! From displaying your personalised hashtag to directing guests to key locations, or telling them where to sit or what’s for dinner, a wooden sign can serve many purposes. You don’t need to be a carpenter to create tree-riffic wedding signage thanks to this blog post by DIY queen Molly from Almost Makes Perfect. If you’re unable to find wooden boards to suit, hire a handyman to cut sheets of timber to your desired size.

Birdseed Toss

Birdseed confetti | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Plant the seed of love with bird friendly confetti. Image by Something Turquoise

Hand out small bags of birdseed for your guests to toss into the air after you’ve sealed the deal with a kiss to attract love birds of a different kind to your wedding celebration. Eco friendly, and sure to be a popular choice with the native fauna, this (cheep) cheap animal-friendly idea comes courtesy of wedding DIY specialist Something Turquoise. They’ve even created labels that you can download, personalise and print to make the process that much easier.

Burlap Bunting

Burlap bunting | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Burlap bunting is an easy peasy DIY with this tutorial. Image by The Handmade Wedding

No rustic wedding is complete without a hessian element or three! A textile that’s synonymous with rustic celebrations, this coarse woven material is perfect for making bunting. As Kate from House & Home demonstrates in this easy-to-follow tutorial, making burlap bunting is a simple process that offers instant country-appeal.

If you love sequins, sparkle, glitter and anything gold, these metallic DIY projects are sure to make it on to your pre-nuptials to-do list.

Gold Cheers Sign

Cheers! | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Encourage merrymaking with this glittering gold Cheers sign. Image by A Beautiful Mess

With this DIY from A Beautiful Mess the only thing standing between you and a fun focal point for your dessert table or bar area is a hot glue gun and some sequins. Fire up your trusty hot glue gun, cut out letters in cardboard then cover with gold sequin strips and voila, you have a gorgeous glittering sign ready to go!

Animal Cake Toppers

Custom cake toppers | Airtasker DIY wedding ideas
Say I-Doe with animal cake toppers. Image by Something Turquoise

What animal best represents you and your better half? If you answered a pair of long necked brachiosaurus or a doe and buck, you’re in luck, because this animal cake topper DIY is literally made for you! And, good news for anyone who doesn’t relate to dinos or deers, you can use any pair of plastic animals for this project. This DIY is also a lovely post-wedding keepsake for the bride and groom.

Gold Crushed Can Vases/Planters

Metallic planters | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Everything looks better when painted gold, tin cans included! Image by Pillar Box Blue

Turn trash into treasure with Pillar Box Blue’s Gold Crushed Cans DIY. Start with some large cans then prepare to unleash any wedding-related frustration that’s been building up by bashing the cans with a hammer. When you’re happy with how they look, and you’ve fully expelled any seating-chart induced stress, spray the cans with a metallic paint of your choosing. Once dry, fill with flowers or succulents and you’ve got the makings of a gorgeous shabby chic centrepiece.

Brushed Gold Accent Invitations

Invitations inspo | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Add a touch of glam to print-at-home invites. Image by Download & Print

If you would rather spend your wedding budget on the event, rather than the invitations, you’re going to love this project from Download & Print. Save yourself a fortune on professional invites by downloading a template, printing it at home (or at Officeworks) then adding a touch of luxe with gold accents. You don’t need to be an accomplished artist to pull off this fast, cheap and very effective DIY.

Hanging Diamonds

Diamond decorations | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Diamonds are a bride’s best friend. Image by Kathleen of Snowdrop & Co

That gorgeous diamond on your engagement ring is probably feeling a bit lonely right about now. Make it some friends with DIY Hanging Diamonds created with paper straws, wooden skewers, washi tape and twine. Hang from the roof of your reception venue or from trees for an outdoor wedding. For bonus sparkle wrap your DIY diamonds in fairy lights or micro-LEDs.

If you prefer a tower of donuts to a three tiered cake, or concrete candles over candelabras, these modern wedding DIYs are for you!

Tassel Cake Topper

Modern cake | Airtasker DIY wedding ideas
Dress up your naked wedding cake with a tassel topper! Image by Chelsea from Bright Bold Design

Making tassels needn’t be a hassle if you follow Bespoke Bride’s Tassel Cake Topper DIY. A gorgeous finishing touch for that multi-tiered naked wedding cake you’ve been eyeing off on Pinterest, this project takes less than 10 minutes to complete. In fact, the only time consuming aspect is picking which colour embroidery thread to use!

Concrete Candles Holders

Concrete candle holders | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Industrial concrete gets a glam makeover with a splash of gold. Image by Polka Dot Made

Looking for a decor idea that will stop your menus or placecards from blowing away and doubles as a thank you gift for your friends and family? Call off the search because these Concrete Candle Holders are just the thing. A cheap and cheerful alternative to the gold-dipped concrete candle holders popping up in trendy boutiques across Australia, this DIY is sure to prove popular with your guests (especially when they find out it’s theirs to keep!). If pouring concrete is in the too-hard basket find someone handy on Airtasker to do it for you.

Donut Holders

Donut table | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Go nuts for donuts! Image by Jen Carreiro

Forget about grazing tables because donut dessert displays are the next big thing in the world of wedding catering! Create a feast that your guests will drool over (hopefully not literally) with a forest of donuts displayed on candle holders. Start by creating the stands – if you don’t own the necessary tools hire someone with the skills to drill – then paint in whatever colour(s) you see fit. Lastly, just add donuts. More details available via this DIY by Something Turquoise.

Balloon Heart

Balloon heart | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Love balloons? Then this project is for you! Image by Studio DIY

Once reserved for kids parties, balloons are having a renaissance as a decor element for chic grown up celebrations. Like the idea of a balloon garland but can’t quite be bothered with the labour-intensive preparation? A floating balloon backdrop is a chic alternative for your ceremony or photobooth. Purchase a helium tank from Kmart or Spotlight, invest in some good quality latex or foil balloons (tip: foil balloons stay afloat for longer), then plan out a heart shaped arrangement. Use different lengths of fishing line anchored to small weights to keep the balloons in the right spot.

Streamer Backdrop

Rainbow backdrop | Airtasker wedding DIY ideas
Red and yellow and pink and green… Sing a rainbow with a colourful streamer backdrop. Image by Happy Confetti Photography

If you can’t decide on just one or two colours for your wedding colour scheme, throw the rule book out the window and embrace every shade of the rainbow with this vibrant streamer backdrop via 100 Layer Cake. A wonderful way to imbue your I Dos with plenty of personality, this super fun DIY looks amazing in photos and even more beautiful IRL.

Featured image by Brianna Santellan on Unsplash

If you love these DIY wedding decorations but don’t want to spend the weeks leading up to the big day stressed about getting everything done, Airtasker has an exceptional group of events professionals available to help with the handiwork and set up for your big day.

Valentine’s Day Tasks on Airtasker

Whether you love or hate Valentine’s Day, it’s important to let your significant other know that you appreciate them. Sure "Valentine’s Day Tasks on Airtasker"

Valentine’s Day Tasks on Airtasker

Whether you love or hate Valentine’s Day, it’s important to let your significant other know that you appreciate them. Sure you could buy a card and exorbitantly priced roses, but why not do something different this year with a little help from Airtaskers.

Believe it or not, we’ve had plenty of people or organise romantic surprises via Airtasker over the years, such as borrowing a puppy or singing a special song. Here are some other creative ideas for Valentine’s Day that you could easily get done.

Picnic Set Up

A picnic is nothing new, however, you can add an extra special touch by hiring an Airtasker to pick up everything and set it up for you. They won’t even have an inkling of what you have planned.

Source: Pinterest

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Borrow a Puppy

If you’re a renter it probably means you can’t have a pet at home. So if you’re coupled-up with a someone who tends to squeal at the sight of one, you could borrow one for an hour or so as a special treat.

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Want some more original Valentine’s Day ideas? Read our quirky Valentine’s Day gift ideas.

Favourite Foods

Now this one is a bit different, however if your partner loves a certain type of food (think pizza, donuts or even baguettes) – you can get their favourite food delivered straight to their doorstep for a yummy surprise. This is great for guys and girls because let’s face it, the way to anyone’s heart is their stomach.

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Are you a romantic? Let us know what’s the most romantic thing you’ve done and you could win an Airtasker Valentine’s Day Gift Box. Enter by leaving a comment on this Facebook post.

Sing a Tune

Do you have a special couple song? Or maybe you would just like to organise the ultimate surprise by getting someone to go to their home, workplace or even show up over a bite of lunch and sing a song.

From an Al Green classic to Top Gun – there are endless options!

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If sticking to something original is more you, no one ever said no to flowers – especially roses. They can be a tricky item to find on the day if you’ve left it last minute. An Airtasker can help you pick the flowers and also some chocolates on the way.


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Have you got any other romantic ideas? Let us know in the comments below!

AND don’t forget if you need a great unique Valentine’s Day gift this year – get an Airtasker Valentine’s Day Gift Box.

How Plan The Ultimate Australia Day Party

The most important day of any patriotic Aussie’s calendar year is upon us… Australia Day! If you’re looking for Australia "How Plan The Ultimate Australia Day Party"

How Plan The Ultimate Australia Day Party

The most important day of any patriotic Aussie’s calendar year is upon us… Australia Day! If you’re looking for Australia Day party ideas or Australia Day food ideas, look no further, check the guide below.

Here is your guide to throwing the ultimate Australia Day party:

A. House Prep

1. The impeccable lawn
First things first… If you’re having the party at home, you must have a nice tidy lawn for all of your friends to admire. If mowing the backyard in 35 degree January heat is not your idea of fun, why not hire someone else to take care of it via Airtasker?

2. The flag
No Australia Day party is complete without an enormous patriotic, plastic Aussie flag (made in China, of course). Check out your local cheap shop for a bargain.

austraian flag lawn foter

3. The pool toys
If you’re lucky enough to have access to a pool or the beach on Australia Day, inflatable pool toys are a must! Just remember that at the beach the current can easily sweep you away, so don’t paddle too far out on your inflatable crocodile.

Source: The Third Row

4. The kangaroo
No pool for inflatable toys? Never fear, you can still have an awesome time with a giant kangaroo as your mascot for the day! Go for a green and gold specimen for extra Aussie brownie points.

5. The ‘look’ (decorate yourself)

Staples for Aussie Day attire are:
• Aussie flag face tattoos (or go the extra mile and paint your entire face).
• Thongs, a.k.a. pluggers (a double plugger style is best). Guests without appropriate footwear should be refused entry.
• A chesty Bonds singlet and stubbies combo with a wide brimmed hat will put you in the running for the best dressed award. Acceptable substitutes are bikinis, boardies, or anything that is official Wallabies merchandise.
• Green and gold zinc (slip, slop, slap!).

B. Australia Day fun and games

1. The Triple J Hottest 100
You are simply not Australian if you do not celebrate Australia Day by listening to the Triple J Hottest 100. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t listen to the radio all year; you just need to on this day. So make sure you register your party with Triple J online and have big speakers ready to pump tunes all day, or your friends may boycott your party.

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Source: Triple J

2. Backyard cricket

Backyard, beach or even balcony cricket (mind the windows)… who doesn’t play cricket on Australia Day? This game is all about the zinc.

3. Thong toss
Thong toss, a.k.a. plugger toss or thong throwing is a very important game that probably began way back in 1994 when Australia Day was first celebrated as a public holiday. The rules are simple; each player takes a thong off their foot and throws it as far as they can. The winner is the person who throws their thong the furthest.

Tip: Thong toss does need a reasonably large space; so if your backyard doesn’t cut it, take this one to the park.

4. Slip ‘n’ Slide
If you grew up in Australia, you know that the only way to fully appreciate slip ‘n’ slide is by way of the homemade version: a tarp, detergent, a hose and a run up!

C. Essential Australia Day food and drinks

No one ever remembered an Australia Day party that didn’t serve traditional Aussie fare and ice cold beers; so don’t get slack on the catering part.

For drinks, you can’t go wrong by supplying some of Australia’s finest cold ales in an esky full of ice, such as VB, XXXX or Toohey’s Extra Dry. Alternatively for some alcohol-free Aussie drinks opt for Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Passiona or Cottee’s Cordial.

Source: The Food Insta

According to a very reliable poll on Facebook, Australia Day food should always involve:

1. Sausage rolls
Homemade is the best and it’s the easiest thing to make. All you need is puff pastry, sausage mince and melted butter.

2. Meat pies
This is a no brainer guys! Four’N Twenty is your standard frozen go-to but for a mass party siutation good old party pies are a winner.

3. Lamingtons
You can buy these off the shelf, but for those of you who’d like to show off your enviable cooking skills, try this recipe for in-bloody-credible Lamingtons with white chocolate cream (*drool*).

Source: Foodwise

4. Pavlova
This is one that I recommend you either get your mum involved in, or make yourself. Store bought pavs are okay, but really… they just don’t taste the same. Go on… give it a shot.

5. Snags on the barbie
If for no other reason than the fact that Australians are the only ones who seem to call them ‘snags’. Just add some tomato sauce and a slice of bread = heaven.

snags foter
Photo credit: Christopher Craig via

6. Lamb of some description
No one really knows why, but check this epic video out and you’ll want to serve lamb anyway!
YouTube video: Australia Day Lamb 2016

If you need with the food prep or cleaning up there are plenty of Airtasker’s to help you this Australia Day

Okay, you are all set to host the most epic Australia Day party! If there’s anything I’ve forgotten, add it to the comments below. Happy Australia Day people!

Written by: Airtasker Rhiannon Wordsworth

5 Essential Tips For a NYE Party

Once the excitement of Christmas is done, the next big occasion looms – the largest one of the year, as "5 Essential Tips For a NYE Party"

5 Essential Tips For a NYE Party

Once the excitement of Christmas is done, the next big occasion looms – the largest one of the year, as well as, the first and last – New Years Eve.

This year, why not take the plunge and plan a party all on your own? With these DIY ideas for anything from ice-breaking activities to décor, you’ll have no dramas throwing a memorable – champagne notwithstanding – event.

Here are some Essential Tips For a NYE Party:

1. Ice-breaking Ideas

Especially important if your guests don’t know each other well, ice-breaking activities are an often overlooked aspect of NYE party planning. While the term “ice-breaking activity” evokes images of networking events, these can be quirky and fun without the cheese factor.

Consider a “resolution wall”; a large sheet of butcher’s paper and some pens, have guests write their resolutions for the following year (and if you have a follow up party the next year, see if any of them are kept!)

2. Food

Planning ahead is the best way to get out of the hosting nightmare of being stuck in the kitchen – bite-sized finger food can be left on platters, with accompanying serviettes, and replenished as required.

Alternatively get everyone to bring a plate to share on small bites, this way it’s not all down to you plus you won’t have the financial burden. Then to relieve yourself of making sure platters up topped up and serving, you could hire and Airtasker to help you with this and also the dreaded cleaning up.

A BBQ or buffet is also a great solution for a more informal celebration. Everyone can help themselves when they feel like. There are catering services that you could get for this, or again get people to BYO.

3. Drinks

Tricky – and dependent on your budget, and the drinking habits of your guests! It goes without saying that all should have a glass of bubbles in their hand for the clock-strike.

Source: jakomang

Beyond that, some ideas include having guests bring a bottle – not unreasonable, especially if you’re on a budget and already organizing food. Alternatively ask everyone to put money in to buy the drinks.

Alternatively, consider a fruit punch – packed with as much or little alcohol as your wallet allows. Communal so guests can help themselves, and refreshing in the warm weather!

It goes without saying – provide plenty of water and non-alcoholic beverages for the drivers and non-drinkers amongst your friends.

And don’t forget the ice.

4. Decor

Even if your party is in your lounge or back yard, it can be transformed easily using some fairly basic do-it-yourself décor ideas. Balloons, streamers, themed napkins are all easy enough to do; just pick a colour theme that suits your personality and house and go for broke.

Source: Style Motivation

Alternatively, pick a date theme – Great Gatsby, or 50’s Tiki Party, these can influence your food, drinks and décor. Also great as an icebreaker and starting point for conversations!

Don’t forget:
– A clock in a central location is important
– A screen to watch the fireworks and sparklers to hand out to your guests.

5. Enjoy yourself!

As host of a NYE party, it’s easy to get so caught up with making sure everybody is enjoying themselves that the night flies by in a harried rush of re-filling glasses and replacing canapés.

If you plan ahead, there’s no reason to stress the minor details – at the end of the day, or year, it’s the company that people will remember, not the sprigs of basil on your Crostini. So pour yourself a champagne, make a resolution you’ll forget, and have fun.

6 Non-Traditional Christmas Tree Ideas

The traditional Christmas tree has all the trimmings with tinsel, baubles and lights. However, more and more we’re seeing all "6 Non-Traditional Christmas Tree Ideas"

6 Non-Traditional Christmas Tree Ideas

The traditional Christmas tree has all the trimmings with tinsel, baubles and lights. However, more and more we’re seeing all different types of decorated trees.

So let’s think outside the box for this year (and the next) with coloured trees, wall inspired trees and much more.

The Coloured Tree

Source: Pinterest

Don’t be held back by the traditional red-and-green with your Christmas tree decorating – be creative with your colour.

A cheap, plastic Christmas tree can be easily spray-painted using a couple of tins of plastic-friendly spray paint from your local hardware store. Cream or white is a safe, goes-with-almost-every-house option. But for the more adventurous Christmas tree, go for brights – pinks, turquoise blue, even metallic.

The Apartment-friendly Tree

As more and more people live in apartments space, or lack there of, could mean you can’t even fit in a traditional Christmas tree.

You can still keep up the Christmas spirit though; all you need is a free wall.

Then you could use anything; paper, tape, twigs etc to make a Christmas tree on the wall and then put your presents on the floor or table below. Here is some inspiration.

Source: FreePeople

Source: Countryside Style

Source: Tree

Source: OhParty

The Easy Tree

Florists and hardware shops have trees in all sizes, even little potted plants that are great because you can keep them an place on your balcony or use for greenery decoration after Christmas.

You could even get twigs and put them in a vase. Just add some fairy lights and a bauble or two.

Source: Decoist

Place in middle of a table as a concession to the Christmas spirit. If anyone asks, say it’s rustic and minimalistic.

The Creative Tree

Using a poster why not get the kids involved with creating an original Christmas tree that you can stick to a wall.

Source: Homelife

The Book Tree

If you have an extensive library, instead of letting the books gather dust, you can use them to build-your-own Christmas tree.

Source: Popsugar

The Ladder Tree

Most households have a ladder for all those odd jobs, so why not recycle it to make a Christmas tree. You can put presents in the middle underneath and use lights to bring the festive style to an otherwise boring ladder.

Source: Buzzfeed

Easy Gift Wrapping Ideas

Let’s be honest – 90% of the fun of Christmas is presents, and a good portion of that is the "Easy Gift Wrapping Ideas"

Easy Gift Wrapping Ideas

Let’s be honest – 90% of the fun of Christmas is presents, and a good portion of that is the wrapping (or un-wrapping). Regardless of what’s inside, there’s nothing quite as appealing as an attractive tree brimming with beautifully wrapped presents.

For some of us though, it seems we’re born with two left thumbs when it comes to gift-wrapping. From paper ripping to tape sticking everywhere, and let’s not even get started on how to curl ribbon, gift-wrapping is not as easy as it looks. For a quick how-to video watch how to gift wrap presents.

Fortunately, with a bit of imagination you can still make your presents look amazing on the outside too.

Word Search Wrapping

Source: Buzzfeed

For small gifts, use your home printer to create a word-find; have each gift recipient find their name on their present. For slightly larger gifts, your local Officeworks or Internet café should print in larger sizes.

Finish with a ribbon – just a bow will do, and you have a fun way to start the present demolishing on Christmas morning!

Chalkboard Inspired

Source: Goinghometoroost

Just like with your clothes, black is always in-style with gift-wrapping. Keep it fun, with cute hand-written notes written in place of gift cards on the actual wrapping paper. Just buy a large sheet of matte-finish black gift-wrapping, or even large sheets of black paper.

Paint markers can be found at any art/office supply shop; go with white for a faux chalkboard look, or silver or gold for a more elegant look. Draw snowflakes, banners, personalize your message – cute and stylish.

Gift Inside a Gift

This one is great for kids who are not known for their patience in waiting to open their Christmas day loot – and is super easy.

Go to your local two dollar shop or supermarket and buy a small set of crayons or colored pencils. Wrap your gift in plain white paper. Sticky tape crayons to gift, with instructions “Colour Me” on the gift – while the little ones wait, they can create a masterpiece.

Just Add A Photo

Instead of decorating with ribbons or gift cards, simply print a photo of the gift recipient or a picture of the both of you and attach to the wrapped gift.

Use a block colour of paper – any colour you like – and image editing software to add a filter of the same colour to the photo before printing onto photo paper.


Just wrap the gift in newspaper. Simple.

Maybe just add some twine though or ribbon off-cuts – less hobo, more rustic.

Stamp It


Wrapping-paper can be expensive however a cheap alternative is to pick up a big roll of brown paper and using some paint – you can create some lovely bespoke designed paper. This is something that you can share with the kids for that extra special touch for the grandparents.

Washi Tape All The Things!

Source: Houzz

For those uninitiated, Washi Tape is basically sticky tape that looks mega-cool with a seemingly endless array of printed designs.

This stuff is perfect for those whose idea of gift wrapping is hastily throwing tissue paper around the object and roping enough sticky tape around that, on opening, somebody gently needs to suggest the use of scissors.

Sure, they might still need scissors, but with Washi Tape it looks so much prettier first!

Home and Office Christmas Party Tips

Ended up with the responsibility of organising the family or office Christmas party? Well we understand how much pressure you’re "Home and Office Christmas Party Tips"

Home and Office Christmas Party Tips

Ended up with the responsibility of organising the family or office Christmas party? Well we understand how much pressure you’re under to pull off the end of year celebrations, which is why we put together some of our favourite Christmas party tips.

Start Early

It’s never too soon to start planning for your Christmas part. Firstly secure your venue, which could be in high demand, and also send out save the dates so everyone puts you in their calendar. Being organised allows you to map out your key dates, ensuring that you don’t get any pesky last minute surprises.

Source: Rocket Events


Find out the budget for the event before you start planning. If it’s for work, is the company footing the bill? How much can you budget for the family get together? If others are contributing, you’ll need to give plenty of notice and be mindful that people may not have deep pockets.

Don’t forget to keep a little money leftover as a backup for emergencies.

Set the Date

As soon as possible, set the party date and send a save the date. The holiday season is such a busy time full of social celebrations that will quickly fill up calendars. Follow up the save the date with an official invitation with more information and also ask people to RSVP for catering requirements.


For family and friends you might have it in your home or backyard, however for your work Christmas party it’s key to get out the office.

Depending on your workplace culture the office Christmas party could be a formal long lunch or casual after work drinks. Most places will have packages and set menus, so take the time to shop around and find the right fit for your work.


Why not get people really excited about your Christmas party with a great theme this year. Regardless of whether it’s winter wonderland, wearing Christmas colours or perhaps a hiring costumes – it’s an instant mood lifter. Once you’ve decided on a theme you can centre your entire function around it, including decorations, music, costumes and the menu. Even think about holding a “best dressed” competition in line with the theme of the day to get everyone talking.

Source: Family First Business

Menu & Drinks

Your menu will depend on your venue and the type of party you’re hosting, canapés for a cocktail party or a sit down meal. Food doesn’t need to be expensive; you can always make it work with your budget. If it’s a little tight, opt for food buffets or food platters.
For drinks make sure the bar staff are aware of which drinks are on the bar tab.


Source: Sounds Unlimited

Instead of relying on friends and family to help your event to run smoothly, let an Airtasker take care of it. This way you get to enjoy the party too.

Have Fun!

This is often a thankless task so don’t forget to enjoy yourself, after all it’s your Christmas holiday too.

Top Halloween Costume Ideas

Gone are the days where it was easy to to go to Big W, buy a white table cloth and "Top Halloween Costume Ideas"

Top Halloween Costume Ideas

Gone are the days where it was easy to to go to Big W, buy a white table cloth and cut out two eye holes and become a ghost for Halloween. From matching couple costumes to the latest movie characters, people dressing up for Halloween are looking outside the box this year.

Here are the top creative Halloween costumes ideas:

Harley Quinn

After behind-the-scene shots of one of the most anticipated movies, The Suicid Squad, we’re thinking there will be many Harley Quinn look-a-likes roaming the streets this year. As an added bonus it’s not a terribly hard costume to put together with some hair chalk, shorts, a baseball top and make up for special effects.

Source: Business Insider

Star Wars

It’s been a decade but the next Star Wars movie is about to be in every cinema in December. From Luke Skywalker and Darth Varder, to Princess Leia and Chewbacca – the options are endless.

Want to push the boundaries with an R2-D2 or Yoda costume? A Tasker can help you put it all together for you.


Source: Wired


No one can look past a good Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman or Catwoman superhero character for a party – but we are going to say that it’s definitely the least scariest and easy option.


Source: aceshowbiz


They are seriously too cute and make the ideal children’s costumes as they guarantee not to scare a soul. It can be a little difficult to make but with a bit of DIY and creative input, your little minion will be a star.

Source: Pegsgottago

Halloween Couple Costumes

There options here are quite endless from famous couples and movie leading men and ladies to quirky costume ideas you may of not even thought about like Google Map pins and the good ol’ eggs & bacon.

Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

Eggs & Bacon

Source: Spicylegs

Google Maps

Source: Flavorwire


Source: Flavorwire

How To Save On Your Wedding With Outsourcing

The biggest day of your life is supposed to be like something out of a fairytale, but what they don’t "How To Save On Your Wedding With Outsourcing"

How To Save On Your Wedding With Outsourcing

The biggest day of your life is supposed to be like something out of a fairytale, but what they don’t tell you in fairytales is the cost of a wedding.

It’s really REALLY expensive, probably not as much as the recent wedding of Salim Mehajer, which gathered a plethora of media attention for requiring police assistance, estimating to cost at least $200,000.

But for us regular folk, a wedding costs on average $36,200 according to the ASIC and apparently in major cities such as Sydney, a more realistic average that couples should be considering is $70,000.

Due to the high cost of weddings couples tend to put off buying a house, face scrupulous budgeting impacting on their social life or even moving back in with family to save every cent.

Whilst there are some costs that can’t budge, such as venue locations, there are lower cost alternatives to the traditional wedding suppliers for photography and flowers etc. Airtasker has seen a steady rise in the number of wedding tasks and we’ve been able to compare traditional wedding supplier prices with tasks completed on Airtasker.

Wedding Savings

And what about those extra special personalised touches? We’ve put a list of all the wedding tasks on Airtasker to give you some inspiration.